Clic here for the Erasmus Policy Statement
Erasmus+ is the program of European Commission that concerns education, training, youth and sports and it focuses on skills reinforcement and employability as well as on the modernization of educational, training and youth systems throughout all sectors of Lifelong Learning (Higher Education, vocational education and training, Adult Education, school training, youth activities, etc).
Erasmus+ is structured along 3 Key Actions directed towards education, training and youth as follows:
- Key Action 1 (KA1): Mobility of Individuals
- Key Action 2 (KA2): Collaboration for Innovation and Exchange of Best Practices
- Key Action 3 (KA3): Support on Issues of Policy Reform
Key Action 1 – Mobility of Individuals includes mobility plans that provides the opportunity to the beneficiaries to move to a participant country in order to either study, work, teach, train or development professional qualifications and skills.
As of 1996, D.U.Th. actively participates in Erasmus mobility program acting both as the originator and as the host institution for thousands of outgoing and incoming students and hundreds of instructors from D.U.Th. as well as from other foreign institutions that participate in the Program. The University has started participating in the program of International Mobility (ICM) since 2015 involving collaborations with institutions in countries outside the EU.