According to the ministerial decree F5/89656/13-8-2007 (FEK 1466/B/13-8-2007) ‘Learning outcomes are the overall knowledge, abilities and skills that students have to know, to understand or to be in a position to use after having successfully completed a specific short or long education procedure in duration. Learning outcomes are accurately defined by the instructors or by people who are in charge of all independent educational elements and activities included in the curriculum and are analytically described in the Study Guide of all Higher Education Institutions, as determined in articles 2 and 3 of this decision’.
Learning outcomes are the expected learning outcomes for all students who study in a specific program and they are achieved via the successful attendance examination and completion of all modules and of the required dissertation in a program as prerequisites for the acquisition of a degree.
Learning outcomes provide information with respect to what the holder of the degree knows, understand and is capable of demonstrating upon the successful completion of an assessed period of learning that leads to the acquisition of the degree.
The formulation of learning outcomes have to be assigned to all academic staff members that are involved in the teaching of modules in a specific program of studies (undergraduate or graduate).