Within the framework of Law 4002/2011 based on the common ministerial order issued by Ministers of Finance and Education no.12175/H/2011 (FEK 2508/4-11-2001, issue B) the public law body under the name "National Youth Foundation" has been renamed the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation and is still supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religions, Culture and Sports while Private Legal Entities under the name "INSTITUTE OF CONTINUOUS ADULT EDUCATION" (IDEKE) and "YOUTH INSTITUTE" (IN) were merged by absorption into the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation. The objectives of the merging entities are now fulfilled by the absorbing entity.
Upon the issue of Law 4009/2011 ‘Structure, Operation, Quality Assurance of the Studies and Internationalization of higher education institutions (FEK issue A 195), the Ministerial order no. 127177/H/2011 (FEK 2508 issue B/4-11-2011) was issued entitled ‘Transfer of responsibilities, equipment and staff of Student Halls that belong to the National Youth Foundation to Higher Education Institutions’, according to which all of responsibilities, equipment and staff of Student Residences that belong to the National Youth Foundation are transferred to Higher Education Institutions. More specifically, article 16 states that ‘twenty-seven (27) self-employment positions with an indefinite term private employment relationship, analyzed below, are to be created at Democritus University of Thrace to cover the needs of the Komotini and Xanthi Student Halls’. It was also stated that ‘the staff of the National Youth Foundation that serves in the Students Halls in Komotini and Xanthi be transferred, without any change to its official and salaried status, to the abovementioned posts, of the corresponding category, branch and specialty’, while an equal number of posts of the National Youth Foundation of the same category and branch were abolished.
No. 13/1/18-11-2011 Confirmatory Act issued by the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation followed on the transfer of current employees working in the Students Halls of Komotini and Xanthi to D.U.Th. commencing from 5-11-2011 (FEK no. 571/2-3-2012, issue B no. 171165/H/17-2-2012) while the Common Ministerial Order no. 44252/H/20-4-2012 (FEK 1421/30-4-2012, issue B) amended the staff transfer tables of no. 127177/H/4-11-2011 Common Ministerial Order.
Following file no. 606/59/4305/13-2-2012 (B 3274/17-2-2012) document of the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation along with no. 127177/H/2011 Common Ministerial Order, its Administrative Board has decided to transfer the expiry date of financial management and cover the operating expenses of the Komotini - Xanthi student halls from 31-11-2011 to 31-8-2012, so that the provision of student care would continue smoothly to the beneficiary students (no. 216/9/2-2-2012 Order).
Thereafter an additional Joint Ministerial Decision No. 67792/H/15-6-2012 was published in Government Gazette 191, issue B /15-6-2012 and includes a transitional provision which states that ‘the responsibilities of the National Youth Foundation (NYF) related to the financial management and coverage of operating expenses of Student Halls are still exercised by NYF itself, up until three months since the formation of the first Administrative Board of the Legal Entities under Private Law, as it is determined in article 58 of Law 4009/2011 (A '195)’.
Law 4115/2013 (A 24) entitled ‘Organization and operation of the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation and of the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions’ was subsequently issued for the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation.