On November 26th 1981 in the 187th Senate’s meeting at Democritus University of Thrace, ‘the Research Committee’ was formed based on the Presidential Decree 432/1981 ‘On the formation of Special Accounts for fund utilization for the execution of research projects in Higher Education Institutions of the Country’. The action signaled the foundation of the Special Account for Research Grants at Democritus University of Thrace.
The Special Account for Research Grants (S.A.R.G.) is formed and operates in all Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and is responsible for the research grants management and utilization of scientific research, education, training, technological development and innovation and for other related activities to fulfill its mission (Law 4485/4-8-2017, FEK 114, no. 50).
The aim of SARF is research grants management and distribution that derive from different sources, as well from the resources of the Institution itself, and they destined for cost coverage of any kind, that are necessary to be covered for the execution of scientific, educational, training and developmental projects as well as for projects of continuing training, for seminars and conferences, for the provision of scientific, technological and artistic services, the undertaking of specialized and clinical studies, test performances, measurements, laboratory tests and analyses, the provision of opinion, the compilation of specifications for third parties, the planning and implementation of scientific, research, cultural and developmental programs and for other related services, all undertaken to the benefit of the institution.
Organizational Structure and Operation
The administration and management of S.A.R.G. is carried out by its bodies and acts independently from the way Higher Education Institutions are run and managed.
The administrative and management bodies of S.A.R.G. are the following:
- The Research and Management Committee of S.A.R.G.
- The President of the Research and Management Committee of S.A.R.G.
The Financial and Administrative Support Unit (FASU) of S.A.R.G. is the Unit responsible for the administrative support and financial management of S.A.R.G. The Head of the Unit presides over all the services of the Unit and also acts as the Head of Financial Services for S.A.R.G.