Organization & Internal Regulation

      Based on the presidential decree that is being published upon suggestion by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction and according to the provisions made in article 7 of Law 4485/2017, FEK 114, A ‘Organization  and Function of Higher Education, adjustments about research and other provisions’,  the  Organization of each Higher Education Institution is approved on the Senate’s decision. 
      In this way, all issues relevant to the organizational structure and function of the Higher Education Institution are arranged, especially the following ones:
      a.    The organization of all academic, administrative and financial structures of the Institution
      b.    The organization of the administrative services of the Institution, as it has been specified in article 54 of Law 4178/2013 (A 174)
      c.    The formation of the following services in the Institution and the arrangement of issues that are related to the surveillance, administration, structure and function of:

      1. the information service on career issues as well as career counseling service for student support where members of the academic staff act as study advisors, monitoring at the same time the graduates’ further occupational rehabilitation,
      2. the protection and security services available to students and staff and for the protection of the University estate,
      3. the services for the support and accessibility assurance of students and institutional staff with special needs
      4. the legal service
      5. the service that is responsible for the monitoring of the proper execution of every kind of contract compiled by the Institution,
      6. the service of internal Institutional in-house check and
      7. the technical service

      d.  The setting-up and establishment of the technical and financial Board and the arrangement of issues that are related to their surveillance, administration, structure and function
      e.  The setting-up and establishment of an independent office named as ‘Student Advocate’ the arrangement of issues that are related to their surveillance, administration, structure and function
      f.    The setting-up and establishment of Committees and the arrangement of issues that are related to their surveillance, formation, responsibilities and operating rules,
      g.   The setting-up and abolition posts for academic staff and posts for the categories of Special Educational Staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Special Technical and Laboratory Staff
      h.   The minimum number of members of academic staff that have to serve in a Department as a prerequisite for the setting-up of Sectors and the criteria of Sectors’ establishment
      i.    The issues that are specifically described by the provisions of the current law

      Following paragraph 1, the Senate’s proposal is submitted to the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs within twelve (12) months from the date of entry into force of this law.

      1. The Internal Rule for every Higher Education Institution is approved according to the provisions made in article 8, of law 4485/2017, FEK 114 A ‘Organization  and Function of Higher Education, adjustments about research and other provisions’ by decision of the Senate that is issued upon the Rector’s suggestion and assent of the Rector’s Council.

      The Internal Rule arranges issues of internal operation of the Institution and more specifically the following:

      a.    The organization of studies in all Departments such as:

      1. The required number of modules for the conferment of a Bachelor’s degree (‘ptychio’) based on the respective Curriculum and the possibility for a Department to offer optional modules in a foreign language,
      2. The interdependency of modules and the way they can be replenished,
      3. The percentage ratio between compulsory and optional modules in a Curriculum,
      4. The requirement for students’ participation in exams’ periods, the duration of an exam period, as well as the conditions and the procedure for students’ re-examination,
      5. The special method and procedure adopted for students’ academic assessment as well as other assessment methods

      b.    The way students evaluate the teaching offered by academic staff, Special Education Staff, Laboratory and Teaching Staff and Special Laboratory and Technical Staff,
      c.    The type of degree issued by every Department and graduates’ swearing-in ceremony. In case there are Introductory Directions of study, the title of the Direction must be part of the title of the conferred degree.  
      d.   The conditions and requirements for the admission of graduate students from other Higher Education Institutions into the Departments of the Institution, the modules to be examined, the semester of attendance, according to what is specifically described in article 15 of law 3404/2005 (A 260) and every other possible issue relevant to the examination procedure of these students as well as the procedure followed for credit recognition,
      e.   The procedures for the provisions of social benefits to students, the rules of operation of relevant institutional services, such as health care services, housing and feeding services as well as the issues concerned with support of invalid students and/or of students with special educational needs and of invalid staff.
      f.    The specific conditions and the procedure for scholarship grants to students,
      g.   The criteria and the procedure for the conferment of the titles of Honorable Doctor, of Emeritus and Honorable Professor,
      h.   The conditions, requirements and the way academic staff can be rewarded for the reinforcement of their research, educational and artistic work as well as for their academic and social offer per se,
      i.   Issues relevant to training and retraining of the Institutional staff,
      j.  The procedure for the election of representative members of the academic staff, of students, and of all other categories of institutional staff in the collective bodies of the Institution, as these are described in this Rule,
      k. The specific details for the procedure that must be followed in all electoral procedures and every other kind of issue related to the election of one-person and collective bodies in the Institution, 
      l.  The special issues of the way collective bodies, services, boards and committees in the Institution operate,
      m. The requirements for the operation of the Administrative Board in a Department, following article 22,
      n.  The rules of ritual and ceremonial character and of public relations,
      o.  The procedure for the compilation of the annual report,
      p. The disciplinary offenses, the penalties, the bodies responsible for the assurance of compliance to the established rules by the members of the academic community, with the exception of members of the academic staff, of Special Educational Staff, of Laboratory and Teaching Staff, of Special Technical and Laboratory Staff and of the administrative staff, the specific responsibilities of the above bodies and the disciplinary procedure,
      q.   Everything that is related to the setting-up and operation of Ethics Committee, according to article 47,
      r.   The special issues for the protection and security of students, staff and the University estate, and the special regulations for the maintenance of the aforementioned estate,
      s.  The compilation procedure as well as the requirements and the procedure followed for a proposal of reconstruction of agreements that are related to programmatic planning, as defined in article 62 of law 4009/2011, and the way the annual report of these agreements’ execution is compiled and approved,
      t.  The specific requirements and the procedure followed for the invitation of guest lecturers, and the conditions for the services they provide and any other related issue, without prejudice to paragraph 5 in Article 36,
      u.   Issues that are specifically defined by the provisions of this law.

      The Senate of a Higher Education Institution makes its decision according to paragraph 1 within twelve (12) months from the date of entry into force of this law.
      Within the framework of the Internal Rule of a Higher Education Institution, every Faculty and Department is allowed to compile its own Internal Rule of Operation that is to be approved by the Senate.


      Internal Rules and Regulations of Democritus University of Thrace

      No Title Of Annex
      Α.1.  Logo Usage Guide    
      Α.2.   Operating Rules and Regulations of University Laboratories  
      Α.3.   Operating Rules and Regulations Template for University Clinics    
      Α.4.    Undergraduate Study Rules and Regulations    
      Α.5.  Rules and Regulations for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies    
      Α.6.  Rules and Regulations for Study Visits and Field Exercises
      Α.7.  Examination Rules and Regulations
      Α.8.  Internship Regulation    
      Α.9.  Internal Rules and Regulations Erasmus+ Programme_Mobility of Individuals in Higher Education    
      Α.10.  Regulation for Maximum Duration of Study, Part-Time Studies, and Suspension of Studies for Undergraduate Students    
      Α.11. Internal Mobility Rules and Regulations
      Α.12. Regulations for Academic Studies Advisors    
      Α.13. Operating Regulations for the Postgraduate and Undergraduate Studies Committees    
      Α.14. Operating Regulations for the Lifelong Learning Center    
      Α.15.  Operating Regulations of the Library and Information Centre    
      Α.16.  Operating Regulations for the Teaching and Learning Centre    
      Α.17. Student Advocacy Office Operating Rules and Regulations
      Α.18.  Operating Regulations of the Research and Innovation Centre
      Α.19.  Remuneration Regulations for teaching in Study Programs    
      Α.20.  Postdoctoral Research Rules and Regulations
      Α.21.  Student Halls Rules and Regulations    
      Α.22.  Establishment of the Student Welfare Council    
      Α.23.  Establishment of Foreign Students Support Unit    
      Α.24.  Organisation and Operation of Student Groups    
      Α.25.  Regulations of Student Performance Awards
      Α.26.  Student Complaints and Objections Management Regulations    
      Α.27.  Code of Conduct and Good Practice    
      Α.28.  Internal Operating Regulations for the Quality Assurance Unit    
      Α.29.  Internal Operating Regulations for the Strategic Planning Unit    
      Α.30.  Regulations for the Excellent Academic Teaching Award    
      Α.31.  Ceremony Annex    
      Α.32. Standard Documents    

      The Internal Regulation of the Democritus University of Thrace was published in Government Gazette 4751/B’/20.08.2024.