The Property Development and Management Company at Democritus University of Thrace was founded in compliance of article 3, par. 7 of the Law 1268/82, with the Presidential Decree 108/1989 (FEK A’ 46/10.2.1989) andoperates as Public Limited Company in accordance with the above-mentioned Presidential Decree that consists its statute andfollowing the corresponding law concerning S.A.
The stock capital of P.D.M.C/D.U.TH. amounts to 300,000 Euros afteran increase (P.D. 351/1994 FEK A’ 186/7.11.1994) and its adjustment to Euros (P.D. 173/1994 FEK A’ 146/3.8.2004). One share belongs to Democritus University of Thrace.
Its aim is the Development and Management of the Property that belongs to the University, a task that has been assigned to the Company via decision by Democritus University of Thrace itself. The P.D.M.C/D.U.TH. is run by an Administrative Board that consists of 7 memberswho are appointed for a 3-year tenure by the Senate of the University, that acts asa General Assembly and is the Supreme Body of the Company, according to what is determined by itsStatute. According to the Statute, the Rector of D.U.TH. takes part in the Administrative Board as its Presidentwhile the Vice-Rector of Financial Planning and Development is his Deputy. The Executive Director, who is elected by the Administrative Board, is responsible for the execution of all decisions reached by the Board as he/she is considered to be the legal representative of the Company.