Department of Greek Philology

      The Department of Greek  at Democritus University of Thrace, situated in Komotini, was founded in 1993 and the first students started attending courses in the academic year 1995-1996. The Department received its administrative autonomy in 2008. It became part of the newly found School of Classics and Humanities at DUTh in 2013. 

      The mission of the Department is:

      1. To study and research the Ancient Greek, Latin, Byzantine, and Modern Greek culture, as reflected in written, philological or literary records, sources and texts.
      2. To study and research the Greek language in its synchrony and diachrony. 
      3. To study and research the manifestations of Greek culture and intellectual life diachronically. 
      4. To provide its graduates with the essential theoretical grounding and practical training for their scholarly advancement and professional career.

      At present, 24 Academic staff members, 2 Specialized Laboratory/Teaching staff members, 1 Specialized Teaching staff member, 3 Specialized Technical Laboratory staff members and 2 Administrative staff members are employed at the Department of Greek Philology. The Department admits approximately 230 students every year while over 1080 students attend undergraduate courses and there are approximately 140 postgraduate students (specifically 64 master students, 68 PhD candidates and 9 postdoctoral researchers). 

      The Department offers three specializations:

      1. Classics specialization 
      2. Byzantine and Modern Greek specialization  
      3. Linguistics specialization

      and organizes the following Programmes of Studies:

      • Undergraduate Programme of Studies (University degree, 4 years of study)
      • “Texts and Culture” Postgraduate Studies Programme (Interdisciplinary postgraduate programme, duration – 3 semesters)
      • Interdisciplinary-Interinstitutional Postgraduate Studies Programme “Specialization in IT and Special Education: Psychopedagogy of Inclusion” (2 years of study)
      • Writing a Doctoral thesis
      • Conducting Postdoctoral research
