Technical Works Directorate

      The Technical Works Directorate is responsible for the preparation of technical and financial surveys for the technical works of the university, their supervision and execution, the maintenance of building and electromechanical installations as well as of outdoor areas of the university.
      The Directorate is structured along the following departments:
      a)    Survey Department
      b)    Administrative Support Department
      c)    Construction Department
      d)    Maintenance Department
      e)    Department of Technical Works in Xanthi
      f)    Department of Technical Works in Alexandroupolis

      The responsibilities of the Directorate are allocated to its departments as follows:
      a)Survey Department: It compiles architectural, static and electromechanical surveys for the University’s technical works or assigns their compilation to a third party, according to the procedure that is defined in the respective provisions of the law.
      It reviews the surveys that have been compiled by third parties and takes care of their payment. It holds the responsibility for the announcement and undertaking of contests for the nomination of contractors and compiles the relevant contracts. It seeks to ensure the provision of draft opinions and approval decisions from the corresponding collective institutional bodies with respect to issues of its responsibility.
      b)Administrative Support Department: It provides administrative and secretarial support to the University Council of the Institution. It is responsible for a survey record-keeping, for the auditing of the surveys and for the calculation and review of the surveyors’ payroll. It pushes the mail, keeps a protocol and the file of the Directorate. It monitors the utilization of the appropriations for the surveys and works that are in progress. It carries through with all required processes for the undertaking of auctions, constructions or survey commissions. The Department is also responsible for keeping safeguarding contract files as well as for closing projects folders and for keeping of past construction projects.  
      c)Construction Department: It has the responsibility for a program implementation related to building construction or building repair and maintenance. It supervises, controls and coordinates the execution of works and all other procedures that are prescribed by law for the execution of public works. It tackles with the compilation and checking of measurements, accounts approval, the compilation of comparative tables and price protocols for the undertaking of new projects, the receipt of works and proper contract execution. It checks the quality and ratio of materials that have been used as well as the quality of constructions. It is also responsible for the implementation of small projects.      
      d)Maintenance Department: It is responsible for the maintenance of buildings, outdoor areas and infrastructure work. The Department deals with the repair and renovation of buildings, maintenance and repair of electromechanical and hydraulic installations and is responsible for the warehouse operation that stores consumable and non-consumable electromechanical, hydraulic and other material. It compiles projects for the development and maintenance of green areas. It has the full responsibility for the procurement of all materials necessary for the repair and maintenance of buildings and outdoor areas. 
      e)Department of Technical Works in Xanthi: The Department has as its main objective the execution of works, the maintenance of electromechanical installations and outdoor landscaping in all academic units that reside in Xanthi. More specifically, the department has the following responsibilities:
      It has the responsibility for a program implementation related to building construction or building repair and maintenance in the city of Xanthi. It supervises, controls and coordinates the execution of works and all other procedures that are prescribed by law for the execution of public works. It tackles with the compilation and checking of measurements, accounts approval, the compilation of comparative tables and price protocols for the undertaking of new projects, the receipt of works and proper contract execution. It checks the quality and ratio of materials that have been used as well as the quality of constructions. It is also responsible for the implementation of small projects. 
      Additionally, the department is responsible for the maintenance of buildings, outdoor areas and infrastructure work in Xanthi. It also deals with the repair and renovation of buildings, maintenance and repair of electromechanical and hydraulic installations and is responsible for the warehouse operation that stores consumable and non-consumable electromechanical, hydraulic and other material. It compiles projects for the development and maintenance of green areas. It has the full responsibility for the procurement of all materials necessary for the repair and maintenance of buildings and outdoor areas.      
      f)Department of Technical Works Alexandroupolis: The Department has the same set of responsibilities with the respective Department that resides in Xanthi for all institutional units that are located and run their operation in Alexandroupolis.

      Human Resources

      The numbers in parentheses are all internal telephone numbers for use only within the Institution

      Technical Works Directorate

      GLENIS TRIANTAFYLLOS    Deputy Head  +30 2531039234 (74234)

      Survey Department

      GLENIS TRIANTAFYLLOS    Deputy Head  +30 2531039234 (74234)
      LOUARI MELLO   +30 2531039245 (74245)

      Administrative Support Department

      BONOVAS PANAGIOTIS Deputy Head +30 2531079084 (71018)

      Construction Department

      APOSTOLIDOU DOMNIKI Deputy Head +30 2531039255 (74255)

      Maintenance Department

      TSIMOURTAKIDIS STYLIANOS Deputy Head +30 2531039293 (74293)

      Department of Technical Works in Xanthi

      PIMENIDIS VASILEIOS Deputy Head +30 2541079082 (71082)
      LYGOYRAS NIKOLAOS   +30 2541079072 (71072)
      BOFILIOS GERASIMOS   +30 2541079086 (71086)
      TSALIDIS MICHALIS   +30 2541079087 (71087)

      Department of Technical Works in Alexandroupolis

      TSIPITSOUDIS KONSTANTINOS Deputy Head +30 2551030955 (77955)
      EFTHIMIADIS CHRISTOFOROS   +30 2551030966 (77966)
      KARAKATSIANI DIMITRA   +30 2551030957 (77957)
      DELIGIANNI PERMANTHOULA   +30 2552041103 (76103)
      CHATZISTAMATIADIS ATHANASIOS   +30 2551030959 (77959)