Θεσμοθετημένα Εργαστήρια

Εργαστήριο Εφαρμοσμένης Μηχανικής

Fundamental and applied research on experimental mechanics and computational mechanics; fracture mechanics; non destructive testing of monolithic, composite and nanocomposite materials and structures


  • 2D digital image correlation system, (DIC) with a data acquisition system
  • 250 kN MTS hydraulic digitally-controlled closed-loop testing machine (static-dynamic-fatigue, tension-compression-bending)
  • 50 kN MTS hydraulic digitally-controlled machine (static-dynamic, tension-compression-bending-torsion-off axis loading)
  • 1tn INSTRON testing machine (static-dynamic, tension-compression-bending)
  • 60 kN SCHENCK hydraulic machine (static, tension-compression-bending)
  • fatigue testing machine
  • Custom made 1500 MN Compression Hydraulic Press to conduct large scale experiments (1:1)
  • Data Acquisition systems
  • Electrical microscope
  • Several drying ovens
  • Ultrasonication dispersion system
  • LCR meter (Inductance, capacitance and resistance analyzer)

The lab is equipped with a machine shop and with various displacement sensing and recording devices, such as strain gages, optical (video) and mechanical extensometers, LVDTs, thermocouples with data logger, multimeters etc.. It also includes all the necessary equipment for supporting a concrete technology laboratory such as mixers, sieves, flow table, and all equipment for testing the rheological properties of SCC.

Παρεχόμενες Υπηρεσίες: 
Mechanical and thermo-electromechanical characterization of materials ( monolithic, conventional, composite, nanocomposites, carbon nanotube and carbon fiber reinforced concrete) and structures

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Αγγλικός ΤίτλοςLaboratory of Applied Mechanics
ΔιεύθυνσηΒασ. Σοφίας 12, Ξάνθη
Τηλέφωνο25410 79828, 79661, 79652
Φαξ25410 79652